
Chaos Theory

Traditional Newtonian physics is often understood as deterministic, where physical matter operates within fixed and knowable laws, there is cause and effect. Therefore, classically it has been assumed that it is theoretically possible that precise predictability of a system could be achieved if enough information about the system is collected and processed; if the momentum and velocity of every particle in the system was known to infinite precision. If there were small imprecisions in the initial conditions, the resulting description of the system was thought to be only slightly different from the prediction.

Chaotic motion

Lorenz looked for a way to visually represent chaotic motion; this is possible by creating a phase diagram (any type of motion can be represented by a phase diagram). A phase diagram has each axis represent one dimension (x,y,z) and time is implied.

Glass Theory

uman experience is like a pile of sand. When you are born you are given some sand from each of your parents, from that moment on you accumulate more and more sand every day, every minute even. Each person you meet, each event in your life, adds some sand to your pile. Imagine it as your own, personal beach. When good things happen to you or you meet loving people, you might gain a certain color of sand, maybe green. When bad things happen to you, you might get red sand. As you go through your life getting more and more sand, a color will come to dominate your pile. You might have a beach of green or a beach of red.